Spiraling Whitefly.
Rugose Spiraling Whitefly is the newest strain to invade Florida, and can prove detrimental to many varieties of plants if left unattended. Some of the plants that are affected by the Spiraling Whitefly are: Norfolk Island Pine, Cocoplum, Buttonwood, Hawaiian Ti, Mango, Wax Myrtle, Banana, Avocado, Live Oak, Pygmy Date Palms, Coconut Palms, Christmas Palms, Areca Palms, Foxtail Palms, Bird of Paradise, Gumbo Limbo, and many other varieties of plants.
Spiraling Whitefly is larger than the previous strain of whitefly and slower moving. The main difference between the varieties is the white spiral patterns left by the larvae on the underside of leaves as well as a black sooty mold that grows on honeydew that is excreted by the larvae.

A collage of four photographs, each depicting plant leaves with various forms of damage or disease. Let’s break down the details
Top Left Photo This shows the top part of a palm tree with its fronds spread out against a clear sky. The palm tree looks healthy and vibrant.
Top Right Photo Here, we see close-up details of two leaves with white, squiggly lines. These lines indicate leaf miner damage, which occurs when tiny insects (leaf miners) tunnel through the leaf tissue, leaving these distinctive trails.
Bottom Left Photo This leaf is heavily infested with white, fluffy mealybugs. Mealybugs are sap-sucking pests that can weaken plants and cause yellowing or wilting of leaves.
Bottom Right Photo The long grass blades in this photo show dark streaks and spots. These could be signs of fungal infection or pest damage.
Treating the Spiraling Whitefly is fairly simple, but a neccesity for the well-being of your plants. There are two steps to follow in order to kill what is currently on the plants and to help protect them for up to six months.

Treat with either Fertilome Triple Action Insecticide or Hi-Yield Sytemic Insect Spray, both of which supply an immediate knockdown of the adult whitefly population.
Treat with Fertilome Tree and Shrub Sytemic Insect Drench, which will assist in eradicating existing insects and will protect plants for up to six months.

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VPG: This logo appears in the top left corner.
Hi-Yield®: The Hi-Yield logo is prominently displayed in the top center.
ferti·lome: The ferti·lome logo is positioned in the top right corner.
Natural Guard: The Natural Guard logo is at the bottom right.
Tagline: The tagline “Quality Lawn Products” accompanies the logos against a background that resembles a well-maintained lawn.